About Vector Rehabilitation
We have over 18 years of experience helping individuals within the rehabilitation industry.
Vector Rehabilitation Provider

“We believe that a person with an impairment, be it physical, mental or emotional, is part of a system whose members are participants in the rehabilitation process.”
Director & Principal Therapist, Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional, Certified Work Capacity Evaluation, Canadian Certified Life Care Planner
Margherita is a duly qualified Occupational Therapist (OT) and member in good standing with the College of Occupational Therapists of British Columbia (COTBC). She is an International/Canadian Certified Vocational Evaluator (ICVE/CCVE) and a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional (CVRP), registered with the College of Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals.
Margherita graduated from the University of Alberta with Distinction in 2004. In 2019, she completed a certificate program through the University of Florida in Forensic Vocational Rehabilitation. Margherita holds the designation of Canadian Certified Life Care Planner (CCLCP) through the International Commission on Health Care Certification (ICHCC). She has completed Functional Capacity Evaluation training at the Advanced level and is a Certified Work Capacity Evaluator (CWCE) in the Matheson System. Margherita has additionally completed certification in evaluation of lifting capacity through the Educational Program Innovations Center (EPIC).
Margherita’s 18 years of practice includes Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE), Life Care Plan, vocational assessments, return to work planning and monitoring, job demands analysis, and risk assessment in the workplace. She also performs community-based occupational therapy, vocational rehabilitation, and rehabilitation consulting services. Margherita has worked in both the United States and in Canada and has extensive experience working with people with physical, cognitive, developmental, and emotional injuries and impairments.
Margherita has been accepted as an expert witness in the Supreme Court of British Columbia many times in the areas of Functional Capacity Evaluation, Vocational Rehabilitation and Assessment, Life Care Plan, Occupational Therapy, and Rehabilitation Case Management.